About the center
The International Center for Higher Studies of UNAPEC , is a private academic research center that belongs to Universidad Apec, designed to develop, host, fund or sponsor advanced research carried out by scientists from various fields, especially in those of the Business, Social, Technological and Legal Sciences. Although located in the Dominican Republic, it organizes, promotes and welcomes international research.
Founded in 2017, it is the result of the process of internationalization and promotion of the research undertaken by Universidad Apec in its 2017-2022 strategic plan, based on a vast academic experience and in collaboration with Dominican centers, universities and researchers. international Therefore, although it depends on the APEC University, it has its own research agenda based on international criteria of excellence in academic research.
Know us
The main function of the International Center of Higher Studies UNAPEC is to encourage and support international collaborative and interdisciplinary research, based on criteria of excellence. Along with the research groups, the CIAE-UNAPEC hosts and organizes annually advanced specialization programs, as well as conferences of individual researchers.
The CIAE-UNAPEC was founded to provide a stimulating academic environment, promoting academic research excellence in a wide range of disciplines. It brings together Dominican academics and from around the world to participate in collaborative research projects by periods. International cooperation and cooperation is also fostered through conferences and advanced study programs.
The CIAE-UNAPEC is similar in concept to several existing centers of advanced studies, but also unique in its sponsorship and promotion of interdisciplinary academic research and international excellence with specialization programs.
Administrative Management
The CIAE-UNAPEC works on the UNAPEC campus, with a director that depends on the Rector, and who works collaboratively with deans and directors of areas that operate at the APEC University. The International Center for Higher Studies UNAPEC, has integrated an International Advisory Committee, with which the management works in a regularized manner.
The CIAE-UNAPEC is made up of several academic areas: Economic and Business Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering and Informatics, Law and Interdisciplinary Studies. There is a small number of researchers in each area, supplemented with visiting members who are selected every two years to participate in a research project. The CIAE-UNAPEC is characterized not only by the peculiar combination of fields under study, but also by the public activities of its groups.
There are no traditional educational programs, or experimental facilities, and the research is financed by donations and aid, since it does not charge tuition to its assistants. The investigation is never done by contract or external direction; each researcher is left to choose his goals.
Although the CIAE-UNAPEC is not part of any educational unit, its membership of UNAPEC implies that there are informal ties with its teachers and students, and collaborations with researchers from other centers of the institution.
Directory of the International Center for Higher Studies UNAPEC and the International Academic Committee
Dr. Franklyn Holguín Haché Rector
Carlos Sangiovanni
Vicerrector Académico
Mauricio Dimant (PhD)
Coordinador del Centro